QUESTION: How do I place an order?
ANSWER: You may place an order by calling 615-216-5533, or by using our “Contact Us” form.
QUESTION: I want to have a brick mailbox built in January. Can you build them in the winter?
ANSWER: Yes. We build mailboxes 12 months a year.
QUESTION: Can I relocate my current mailbox?
ANSWER: You can relocate your mailbox laterally as long as you follow USPS guidelines and relocate the mailbox in numerically correct order.
QUESTION: Can the brick on my home be matched?
ANSWER: Most of the time, the brick and mortar on your house can be matched or a suitable substitute can be found. We make every effort to match them as closely as possible.
QUESTION: My mailbox is near a ditch. Can I have a mailbox installed?
ANSWER: Yes. There may be an additional charge to build it up to street level.
QUESTION: I live on a very busy street and want to know if I can access my mail from both the front and the back?
ANSWER: Yes. We can install front and rear door access so that you can retrieve your mail from the back of the mailbox where it is safer
QUESTION: Can I move my mailbox further away from the street?
ANSWER: Yes. Only if you are following USPS guidelines.
QUESTION: If I already have some bricks to use, will that reduce the cost?
ANSWER: If your bricks are undamaged, we may be able to reduce your cost.
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